海南动乱扩大 万人砸佛罗镇政府 (20图)

16日早上,上万名佛罗镇和邻近乡镇的村民举着「反对煤电 保护环境」的旗帜,包围镇政府大楼,抗议兴建发电厂。数小时后仍没有领导出来会见村民,愤怒群众冲入大楼,砸毁三个楼层的电脑、办公设备、家俱、门窗,又燃放鞭炮,烧毁档案和文件,政府门口的招牌亦被砸烂,政府职工住宿楼也被波及。








李: 先讲技术上,伊朗当局若有这行动,并非全国与互联网断绝连系,因为伊朗仍需要在电子邮件等方面与海外的网络连接,但可以肯定,伊朗人无论翻墙等方面难度会 大增,因为很可能个别网民与海外的数据交换,无论交换类型以至方式都会很有限。而不排除有关技术,中国的主要网络硬件供应商,都有份提供。


李: 如果你家中还有电话线和调变解调器,或你的手机仍然支援旧式,并非GPRS的上网,可以拨号到海外仍然支援拨号上网的服务,这种方式当然速度奇慢,只能传 送文字以及体积不大的信件,但不失为一种解决方法。当然中国当局在国际电话交换闸口,阻止你打这类电话时,那就爱莫能助。而这类旧硬件,亦比较难找到。



李: 这技术是加拿大滑铁卢大学的教授,研究中国新封网手段而提出的技术,因为现时中国当局,已经可以利用自动技术,辨认出Tor的信息包,并加以拦截以及阻止 通讯。因此加拿大滑铁卢大学的团队,就开发出Skypemorph软件,利用Skype的视频通话技术先连接网桥,再将整个Tor通讯过程伪装成 Skype通讯,藉此回避封锁。

现时已经有相关软件,但由于仍在初步阶段,主要供参与开发的有心人使用和研究,所以暂时不介绍使用方法。 但可以肯定的是,在Skypemorph的启发下,将翻墙的信息包伪装成另一种通讯协议的信息包,然后翻墙将是新的技术方向。只有要中国网络防火长城,就 会有人想出新的点子去翻墙。特别连网络界相当有名匿名黑客集团,都参与攻击中国的网站时,应会有越来越多海外的高手,参与开发翻墙技术的工作。


李:有只叫DNS Jumper的免费软件,可以帮助大家很容易就设定好DNS的设定。DNS Jumper这只小软件,不用安装,下载后可以立即执行,你可以选择为Windows内所有网络连接卡做一致的DNS设定,或者按个别情况,在不同网络介 面作出设定。在软件内,你可以输入你想用的DNS地址,或者储存一些常用的DNS主机地址,例如想翻墙时就转用谷歌的DNS主机,而在不翻墙就用中国电讯 公司提供的DNS,用起来相当简便。



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若无标明,都为本人原创文章,转载请注明: 转载自小刚的博客|分享互联网

本文链接地址: 稳定Google访问

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China’s Internet crackdown: Anonymous, political intrigue and blackouts

China’s Internet crackdown: Anonymous, political intrigue and blackouts

By | April 13, 2012, 6:30am PDT

Summary: Chinese authorities continue their crackdown of online ‘rumors’. Is now the right time to launch an attack on the Great Firewall?

Anonymous has announced its intentions to take down the Great Firewall of China, but while the relationship between Chinese authorities and net users is extremely shaky, is it the right time to declare war?

There is an interesting dialogue emerging in much of China’s state-run media this week about the difference between ‘free speech’ and ‘harmful rumours’.

People’s Daily has recently released an article entitled “Freedom of Speech does not protect rumors.” Unsurprisingly, for a news source often considered to be a government mouthpiece, they are attempting to reinforce the need for China’s latest crack downs.

The article says, “how could freedom of speech be defended, if we turn our back on slander? Can we tolerate fake [or] inferior products with the aim of promoting the free market?”

This is the prevailing attitude that is being displayed towards allegedly damaging ‘rumours’, and these news sites are being used to justify the significant actions being taken by Chinese authorities at the moment.

Liu Zhengrong, a senior official in the State Internet Information Office, told China Daily that the Internet cannot police itself. He said that Web users weren’t necessarily able to distinguish truth from fiction, “requiring government departments and website companies to take measures.”

At first there were rumours being spread about a potential coup in Beijing, and as a direct result 42 Web sites were shut down, and an additional 210,000 messages have been deleted since mid-March. Beijing police have also arrested 1065 suspects.

Commenting functions on Sina and Tencent Weibo were also shut down for 4 days, a stark warning that authorities can intervene whenever they want.

Political scandals

So why has China suddenly become such a hostile environment for web users? Well, to start with, authorities are currently managing the scandal surrounding ousted communist party politician Bo Xilai.

Xilai, the former Chongqing party chief, was officially stripped of his party positions on Tuesday. He and his wife, Gu Kailai, are being investigated over the murder of British businessman Neil Heywood. This is serious news in China, and they are struggling to contain the sudden overload of online commentary.

Ministry of Tofu provided the following analogy to describe the magnitude of this scandal. “It would be like a California governor, a presidential candidate, gets sacked after his police chief, who helped him fight a glorious war on organized crimes in the state, divulged to Chinese diplomats his dirty laundry and a murder masterminded by his wife in exchange for protection.”

Chinese netizens jumped on the news, a confirmation of rumours that had been stirring for months, and were quickly stymied.

When the news item broke on Tuesday evening, it received over 50,000 reposts within the first 15 minutes. The story didn’t reach CCTV’s evening news, but it thrived online. Searches for both Bo Xilai and his wife’s name were quickly blocked on Sina Weibo, and mass censorship of comments began.

“Tonight, Sina’s little secretaries are probably so busy they’re spitting blood,” one Weibo user commented, “who allowed rabble like us to possess nuclear-level weapons like a mouse and keyboard?”

Controlling a scandal in a social network society

Unfortunately, that seems to be exactly what Chinese authorities are afraid of. This is the first major scandal to rock China’s leadership since social media became prevalent, and suddenly there is a new audience seeking the truth.

At this point, the crack down over online rumours is a vague and uncertain fight. The lines between free-speech and rumours are extremely unclear, but what does the Chinese government expect when so called ‘rumours’ turn out to be true?

The scandal around Bo Xilai has not only raised questions about corruption within the government, but on the growing need for transparency.

Attacking the Great Firewall

In many ways, it seems like now is the perfect time for a group like Anonymous to take on China’s Great Firewall, when so many in China would rally to their side.

However, as much as few would disagree that the battle against censorship is inherently correct, would a calculated strike on the Great Firewall at this point be the right move?

A blackout of large portions of the Internet yesterday morning in China have many speculating about the potential for a ‘kill switch’, to limit any outside access. At this point the actual cause of the blackout, which rendered many Chinese and foreign websites inaccessible for a few hours, is unknown.

Telecom companies have denied issues with their network, or damage from the significant Earthquake in Indonesia.

Although there is absolutely no concrete evidence that the blackout was the result of any sort of ‘kill switch’ test, it does raise the possibility that such a thing exists.

Authorities in China are trying to reign in their control over the online community at the moment, that much is apparent, and high profile groups like Anonymous getting involved might have them on alert.

Anonymous already succeeded in hacking hundreds of Chinese government, business and other general websites so far, so their presence must be registering in China. As ZDNet’s Emil Protalinski commented, “if they manage to pull off the feat for even a few minutes, it will be an accomplishment of epic proportions.”

This is true. It could also be long enough to cause a serious backlash from authorities, at a time when they fear nothing more than the online community undermining them with ‘harmful rumours’.

[Updated: April 15th @ 6:50 am, This post has been altered for clarification regarding Anonymous hacks of Chinese websites.]

Image source: Francisco Diez/Flickr.com,


Anonymous wants to take down the Great Firewall of China

By | April 11, 2012, 11:00pm PDT

Summary: The countless attacks on Chinese websites were apparently just a warm up. Anonymous wants to take down the Internet censorship system known as the Great Firewall of China.

Last week, I wrote about how the hacktivist group Anonymous has a new Chinese branch, Anonymous China, which has been very active since it launched its Twitter account on March 30, 2012. The group has hacked and defaced hundreds of Chinese government, company, and other general websites to the point where China even acknowledged the attacks. The hacking has continued against various websites, but even more importantly, the group has declared a new target: the so-called Great Firewall of China.

Since my last two reports, Anonymous China has hacked shangzhi.gov.cn, publicly posting eight user names and passwords on Pastebay. This was soon followed by the hacking of szzfcg.gov.cn, which resulted in the site’s full database being leaked and posted to Wikisend. The document was hard to parse, but I could easily see that it included thousands of e-mail addresses, logins, and passwords.

Here are the corresponding tweets:

Our new IRC channel: http://cbe005.chat.mibbit.com/?server=irc.voxanon.net&channel=%23AnonymousChina channel: #AnonymousChina
In a few minutes another hack 😉
http://www.shangzhi.gov.cn/ hacked by Anonymous China. Leak: http://www.pastebay.net/380748 @YourAnonNews
@YourAnonNews we already told the Chinese people to protest and do occupy. Now we have to wait
http://www.shangzhi.gov.cn/ hacked by Anonymous China. Leak: http://www.pastebay.net/380748 its cold there 😛
http://www.szzfcg.gov.cn/ hacked by Anonymous China. All database! Leak: http://www.pastebay.net/395451

As I’ve already written before, the Anonymous China group has confirmed they are not Chinese and are not based in China. If they’re going to succeed in their new mission, however, they’re going to need help on the inside. It’s thus not too surprising to see these two tweets:

Chinese hackers 🙂 very well brothers … we have expected you
@YourAnonNews our brothers arrived 🙂

Below is a message from the one of the members, posted on Pastebay. The poor English makes me think that one of the Chinese hackers wrote this, as opposed to someone from the Anonymous China group, which has instead been writing terrible Chinese (they said they’re working on it). Then again, it really can be anyone from Anonymous whose first language isn’t English.

we won’t speak in name of @AnonymousChina, this time, we are going to speak in name of every single Anonymous person.
Anonymous is an idea and we aren’t here for tell you that over and over again.
In this moment, that you are reading this, we are going to tell you why “the haters” should like Anonymous.
Of course, that would be more exciting and more inspiring if this message was a video in YouTube, with someone talking and pictures and a song that touch in your heart.
So before we start, try to make yourself inspiring, play your song and let’s start.
Like we said, we are not going to talk about what is Anonymous, probably you already heard many times, and still, you think bad about us.
First, about Anonymous hackers.
We deface and leak government websites, we DoX politics, we try to share this particullary words:”Something is wrong in our world”.
So for that, i don’t know why people still support their government, even knowing the truth, well deep inside.
For those who hate that Anonymous go to protests, made a Free Hug day.
What is your problem? Do you like that banks and the government still your money?
Do you like to have no human rights? Do you like to be with no job?
I think the answer is no!

So if you read this and still think the same, read again and with a song more touching.
If now you are part of an idea, welcome my friend, we were expecting you.

We will always love everyone in the 99% if you are part of the 1%, because you are rich and don’t care about people… We all hope you chnage your mind and help us.

There’s the usual signature, with a little bit extra thrown in:

We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us.

And we will always being expecting you!

Last but certainly not least, here are the tweets regarding the Great Firewall of China mission:

To all people, reply this tweet saying all chinese websites you know that are blocked.
Chinese government sweet dreams ;] Great Firewall – Power: 100% … 90% .. 50% … 20% … Power off. #GFW will be dead soon. #Anonymous
Chinese people, world people, … reporters too, #GFW we all want it dead, wont be easy… Don’t expect in next week, or whatever lol
One day we are few, in the other we are some, the next day we are many… a few days after, we are China and all world against this system!

In the previous Anonymous China attacks, some targets have had their administrator accounts, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses posted publicly. On many of the hacked sites, the group even posted tips for how to circumvent the Great Firewall of China. Actually trying to take down the Great Firewall of China is a whole other ballgame.

The Great Firewall of China is a massive and complicated system that blocks all types of content that the Chinese government deems improper. It features firewalls and proxy servers at the Internet gateways, engages in selective DNS poisoning when particular sites are requested, and leverages various other methods to censor the Internet, including Connection resets, DNS filtering and redirection, IP blocking, Packet filtering, and URL filtering.

Frankly, I will be very surprised if Anonymous China succeeds. Then again, if they manage to pull off the feat for even a few minutes, it will be an accomplishment of epic proportions.

See also:

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China admits Anonymous hacks

China admits Anonymous hacks

By | April 6, 2012, 9:30am PDT

Summary: After Anonymous hacked hundreds of Chinese government, company, and other general websites, China has acknowledged the attacks. Meanwhile, Anonymous China has not stopped its onslaught.(Check out @AnonymousChina Twitter account.)

UpdateAnonymous wants to take down the Great Firewall of China

Earlier this week I wrote about how the hacktivist group Anonymous has a new Chinese branch, Anonymous China, which has been very active since it launched its Twitter account on March 30, 2012. The group has hacked and defaced hundreds of Chinese government, company, and other general websites over the last week. A few targets have had their administrator accounts, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses posted publicly. Last but not least, on many of the hacked sites, the group even posted tips for how to circumvent the Great Firewall of China. Surprisingly, the Chinese government has acknowledged the attacks.

While Anonymous was not specifically mentioned, it’s obvious what China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs was referring to during a briefing on Thursday, given the events during the last week.

“First of all, China’s Internet is open to all, users enjoy total freedom online. China has gained 500 million netizens and 300 million bloggers in a very short period of time, which shows the attraction and openness of China’s Internet,” spokesman Hong Lei said in a statement, according to CNN. “Secondly, the Chinese government manages the Internet according to law and regulations. Thirdly, certain reports prove again that China is a victim of internet hacker attacks.”

Anonymous China has not relented. Since my last article, here’s what the group has been up to.

First off, the group confirmed what many have thought for a while: they are not Chinese and they are not based in China. At least, most of them are not. This is why the text in Chinese is usually poorly translated (probably using Google Translate or Bing Translator). Anonymous China is working on fixing that. Here are the tweets that followed my last article:

Who want to translate what we do for Chinese, contact: anonymouschina@hush.com And for safety, anyone will know that were you to translate.
For who doesn’t understand the part “anyone will know”, it’s ‘anyone will never’ 🙂
Our new email is contactanonchina@hush.com
All the people that couldn’t send the mails, try again for the new email. All that could, don’t send.
ReTweet! #GlobalREvolution coming! Fight for your rights!

Then it was back to business as usual. The Chinese government website tygtzy.gov.cn was hacked and defaced, though it appears to be back and operational at the time of writing. Then the group teamed up with some other hackers and targeted two Ugandan websites: unbs.go.ug and jlos.go.ug. The first one had one username and password posted on PasteBay while the second had two usernames and passwords posted, also on PasteBay.

Here are the tweets about the most recent attacks:

So Chinese Gov hacked again 😀 let’s see what we have today 😉
http://tygtzy.gov.cn/ hacked differently 😀 message in chinese \\\ lulz
http://tygtzy.gov.cn/index_en.htm and here you have the hacked english version hahah
http://jlos.go.ug/ hacked by @_f0ws3r , Anonymous China and @MalSec Leak:
@YourAnonNews in the deface http://tygtzy.gov.cn/ this time with other song 😀
Chinese people, protest, stand up, wake up!

On a related note, I found it interesting that the group has started using pastebay.net instead of pastebin.com (see also: Pastebin to hunt for hacker pastes, Anonymous cries censorship). This may be a coincidence, but we’ll see soon enough if other Anonymous factions abandon Pastebin as well.

UpdateAnonymous wants to take down the Great Firewall of China

See also:

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这两天为了让手头的山寨Android tablet Ten3翻墙,折腾了半天。虽然最后还是没能成功,但对伟大的GFW和如何翻墙,有了更多的认识。

翻墙之前的首先要了解GFW是如何干扰网络连接的,具体可见 GFW封锁网络的几种常用方法。 干扰大体可以分为DNS干扰,IP封锁,TCP连接干扰,SSL干扰。翻墙的方法虽然千差万别,但基本思路都是一样:建立本地和国外服务器的加密通道,将 本地的DNS查询连接,HTTP/HTTPS中转至国外服务器。对于DNS服务,除了加密中转通道,还需要设置正确的DNS服务器(like Google or opendns)来解决DNS劫持问题。

从上面可以看到,利用国外服务器建立加密中转通道是翻墙的关键。TCP/IP连接是分层架构,因此较高层上的加密中转只能适应部分程序。 openvpn/l2tp/pptp都是较低层面的加密连接,可以让所有的本地连接加密中转。SSH的socket proxy可以加密中转http/https的接连。需要注意的是http proxy并不能处理ftp和https的中转。https的中转需要socket proxy来处理。

除了国外服务器,加密中转的另外一个问题就是如何将本地连接转发至加密通道上。openvpn/l2tp/pptp在内核空间增加了一个 network adapter,所以只需要通过路由表就可以进行转发。对于http/socket proxy通道,如果application支持proxy,则可以自动转发;反之则需要利用iptables将http/https连接通过 transparent SOCKS proxy转成socket proxy。

当加密中转连接到到服务器端时,还需要在服务器端做一些设置以便进行中转。openvpn/l2tp/pptp是通过iptables在内 核实现转发。ssh即可以利用-D选择转发socket,或者利用端口映射将socket转发至socket proxy或者http proxy。

l2tp和pptp是大多数android设备都默认支持的VPN。但很多router或者firewall不支持pptp,常常会遇见一些莫名其 妙的问题。openvpn需要android内核支持tun.ko模块。同时android还需要有binary openvpn application。整个安装过程较为复杂。

sshtunnel/gaeproxy是socket/http level的加密中转,因此需要利用到android中的iptable及相应的kernel module。

Ten3由于没有iptable相应模块。所以无法使用ssh。 pptp和/l2tp的binary application貌似有问题,无法连接pptpd服务端。但万幸的是tun.ko模块原生自带,只要在市场下载openvpn installer和openvpn setting就可以使用了。为避免dns污染,还需要装一个改变dns的软件。

Ipad2巧用Google App Engine+GoAgent翻墙到自由世界

Ipad2巧用Google App Engine翻墙到自由世界

凯文博客以前介绍过关于Google App Engine 的文章,今天再介绍 Ipad2如何巧用 Google App Engine 翻墙到自由世界。








Ipad2巧用Google App Engine翻墙到自由世界|凯文博客

第一步:配置Google App Engine

Ipad2巧用Google App Engine翻墙到自由世界|凯文博客
用谷歌账号(Gmai)登陆App Engine
Ipad2巧用Google App Engine翻墙到自由世界| 凯文博客


  然后点击“Create Application”进入下一步,填写你的手机号码,得到验证码,号码前记得填写+86,如+86 13911111111。
Ipad2巧用Google App Engine翻墙到自由世界| 凯文博客


  最后要填写一个ID,这个ID非常重要,以后都要用到,一定要牢记,最后点击“Create Application”完成整个注册过程。



下载并解压之后,进入local文件夹,编辑proxy.ini,找到[gae]下面的“appid = goagent”,将后面的“goagent”替换为你的appid即可。然后去server\golang目录,用记事本文件修改app.yaml文 件,将“application: 你的ID”这里输入你的ID。

Ipad2巧用Google App Engine翻墙到自由世界|凯文博客



Ipad2巧用Google App Engine翻墙到自由世界|凯文博客




越狱教程这里不细述,请移步:《菜鸟也能懂 iPad2 5.0.1完美越狱三步走》

Ipad2巧用Google App Engine翻墙到自由世界|凯文博客安装插件系统SBSettings

Ipad2巧用Google App Engine翻墙到自由世界}凯文博客


  2、然后添加源http://goagent-app.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/cydia/,这里面就3个东西:python 2.7.1 ,goagent-local ,goagent-toggle。

Ipad2巧用Google App Engine翻墙到自由世界|凯文博客


   3、添加好了之后呢,你进这个源里面首先安装python 2.7.1 和 goagent-local 这2个插件,按顺序安装。
Ipad2巧用Google App Engine翻墙到自由世界|凯文博客
Ipad2巧用Google App Engine翻墙到自由世界|凯文博客


   4、都安装好了之后,你要用iFile进入到以下路径 /User/goagent-local/proxy.ini,然后用文本编辑器打开proxy.ini这个文件,在appid后面填入你在goagent下创建的ID就可以了。
Ipad2巧用Google App Engine翻墙到自由世界|凯文博客
Ipad2巧用Google App Engine翻墙到自由世界|凯文博客





  5、这个时候用iPad2的safari浏览器打开这个网 址:http://code.google.com/p/goagent/wiki/GoAgent_IOS,直接看到Step by step下面的这个步骤:“Import Goagent Certificate(CA.cert). Open mobile safari to download it from here to install Or Use iPhone Configuration Utility,see this link”


点这里安装证书 |凯文博客


  6、再坚持一下,快结束了。再打开Cydia,进去Goagent Local源里面安装goagent-toggle这个插件,安装完毕之后,再在iPad2设备里打开SBsettings,然后在“set window toggles”里打开Goagent这个选项回到桌面。这个时候设备会自动注销主屏幕,不用担心,等待设备自动开机。



 7、然后打开iPad2系统下的“设置”–“WiFi”(当前连接),点那个“>” 进去,然后拉到下面,有个http代 理,点击“自动”,然后在下面的URL里填写:file://localhost/var/stash/Applications /MobileSafari.app/8087.pac(注意:这里区分大小写)



  8、最后我们将GoAgent添加到SBSettings快速启动栏里面,方便使用。打开SBSettings设置页,选择“Set Windows Toggles”,在这里能看到“Goagent”插件,启动它。






  提示: 如果你的iPad2已经升级至iOS5.0.1,那么还可以将其插入到通知菜单去,方便使用。









  总结:虽然现在网络上有多种方法来实现浏览器的访问 升级,但是经过笔者测试大多不太理想,要不是要经常更换proxy,要不就是不稳定,而这个方法是不花钱的方法中最好用的。访问稳定速度快,而且切换非常 方便,只需要一个ID,无论是台式机还是移动设备都能实现。虽然方法比较复杂,但只要你仔细看清楚每一个步骤,就一定能成功。




cloudflare 主要针对那些把网站放在国外特别是美国的用户,来加速你的网站访问速度。
2 灾备,cloudflare免费版提供2个小时的网站的缓存,这是个很好的容灾方案,对于那些服务器经常抽风的童鞋来说。
3  翻墙,这里的翻墙是指如果你的网站Ip被天朝的防火墙给加入黑名单了,可以用它来起死回生。
4 加速,通过众多的加速手段,压缩了网站大量的冗余代码和Js还有大文件,给你网之一个清爽的快速的访问体验。






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Mac OS X Lion下VPN设置多网关,国内流量不走国外线路教程


这几个脚本主要利用来自 http://ftp.apnic.net/apnic/stats/apnic/delegated-apnic-latest 的数据生成路由命令脚本, 让vpn客户端在进行连接的时候自动执行. 通过这些路由脚本, 可以让用户在使用vpn作为默认网络网关的时候, 不使用vpn进行对中国国内ip的访问, 从而减轻vpn的负担, 和增加访问国内网站的速度.


在使用这些脚本之前, 请确保你在自己的电脑上已经成功配置好一个vpn连接(pptp 或者 openvpn), 并且让之以默认网络网关的方式运行, 这通常也是默认配置, 即vpn接入之后所有网络流量都通过vpn进行.


使用此法之前, 请确认openvpn版本是否为 v2.1 或者以上, 如果不是请参看下方不同系统关于openvpn部分的描述


本方法适用于使用openvpn v2.1或更高版本的用户. 因为openvpn v2.1比之前版本增加了一个名为max-routes的新参数, 通过设置该参数, 我们可以在配置文件里(服务端, 客户端)直接添加超过100条以上的路由信息. 具体设置步骤如下:

  1. 下载 chnroutes.py 文件
  2. 在命令行里执行 python chnroutes.py, 这将生成一个名为 routes.txt 的文本文件. 对于不想安装python的用户, 可以直接从项目下来列表里下载该文件. 它将会每月更新一次.
  3. 使用你喜欢的文本编辑器打开上述文件, 并把内容复制粘贴到openvpn配置文件的末尾
  4. 同时在openvpn配置文件的头部添加一句 max-routes num, 其中num是一个不小于文件routes.txt的行数的数字, 实际上因为还有一些服务器端push过来的路由信息, 所以保险起见可以用 routes.txt的行数加上50, 比如目前得到的routes.txt的行数是940, 你可以把数字设置为1000: max-routes 1000
  5. 修改完之后, 重新进行openvpn连接, 你可以用之前描述过的方法进行测试是否成功


以上方法在Mac OSX, Linux 和 Windows上测试通过. 但需要注意的是, 这里用到一个net_gateway的变量表示未连接openvpn前的网关地址, 但openvpn的文档里有说明这个不是所有系统都支持的, 如果发生这个情况, 可以修改一下生成脚本, 把net_gateway修改为你的局域网的网关地址. 对于windows 7 和 vista, OpenVPN的windows客户端可能需要设置Windows XP兼容模式才能使用, 安装文件要在属性选择中的兼容性选择Windows XP和以管理员的身份运行,安装好的运行文件也同样选择这两个选项。如果还是不能连接到VPN的网络,可以尝试在配置文件中加入:

route-method exe
route-delay 2


  • 因为这些ip数据不是固定不变的, 尽管变化不大, 但还是建议每隔两三个月更新一次
  • 使用此法之后, 可能会导致google music无法访问, 这个其实是因为连上vpn之后, 使用的dns也是国外的, 国外dns对google.cn 解析出来的是国外的ip, 所以一个简单的解决方法是修改本机的hosts文件, 把国内dns解析出来的google.cn的地址写上去: http://www.google.cn google.cn



  1. 下载 chnroutes.py
  2. 从终端进入下载目录, 执行python chnroutes.py -p mac, 执行完毕之后同一目录下将生成两个新文件’ip-up’和’ip-down’
  3. 把这两个文件copy到 /etc/ppp 目录, 并使用 sudo chmod a+x ip-up ip-down命令把它们设置为可执行
  4. 设置完毕, 重新连接vpn. 测试步骤同上.


  1. 下载 chnroutes.py
  2. 从终端进入下载目录, 执行python chnroutes.py -p linux, 执行完毕之后同一目录下将生成两个新文件’ip-pre-up’和’ip-down’.
  3. 把ip-pre-up 拷贝到 /etc/ppp目录, ip-down 拷贝到 /etc/ppp/ip-down.d 目录. 测试步骤同上.


  1. 下载 chnroutes.py
  2. 从终端进入下载目录, 执行python chnroutes.py -p win, 执行之后会生成vpnup.bat和vpndown.bat两个文件.

由于windows上的pptp不支持拨号脚本, 所以也只能在进行拨号之前手动执行vpnup.bat文件以设置路由表. 而在断开vpn之后, 如果你觉得有必要, 可以运行vpndown.bat把这些路由信息给清理掉.

如果机器上没有安装python, 可以直接从下载页面上下载已经预生成的bat文件.


由于没在android上进行过测试, 无法确定上文描述的openvpn v2.1的使用方法是否也在android手机上适用, 所以保留以下内容


    1. 下载 chnroutes.py
    2. 从终端进入下载目录, 执行python chnroutes.py -p linux, 这将生成’vpnup.sh’和’vpndown.sh’两个文件.
    3. 把步骤2生成的两个文件拷贝到 android 的 /sdcard/openvpn/目录下, 然后修改openvpn配置文件, 在文件中加上以上三句:
    script-security 2
    up "/system/bin/sh /sdcard/openvpn/vpnup.sh"
    down "/system/bin/sh /sdcard/openvpn/vpndown.sh"

注意自行修改其中的路径以符合你的android rom的实际路径

另外, 这里假定了你的android已经安装过busybox, 否则请先安装busybox再进行以上操作, 还需要知道的是, 这个脚本在手机上执行会花费比较长的时间, 如非必要, 就不要用了. 也许采用非redirect-gateway方式, 然后在ovpn配置文件里添加几条需要路由的ip段是比较快捷方便的做法.


一些基于Linux系统的第三方路由器系统如: OpenWRT, DD-WRT, Tomato 都带有VPN(PPTP/Openvpn)客户端的, 也就是说, 我们只需要在路由器进行VPN拨号, 并利用本项目提供的路由表脚本就可以把VPN针对性翻墙扩展到整个局域网. 当然, 使用这个方式也是会带来副作用, 即局域网的任何机器都不适合使用Emule或者BT等P2P下载软件. 但对于那些不使用P2P, 希望在路由器上设置针对性翻墙的用户, 这方法十分有用, 因为只需要一个VPN帐号, 局域网内的所有机器, 包括使用wifi的手机都能自动翻墙. 相信配置方式请参考: Autoddvpn 项目.


本项目的脚本都是在使用路由器进行拨号的情况下测试通过的, 如果在其它拨号方式下, 脚本不能运作, 请在本页添加comment说明. 或者添加一个新的issue. 另外, 在配合openvpn使用的时候, 可能会出现一种情况是因为网络质量不好, openvpn非主动断开, 这时候vpndown脚本也会被自动调用, 但重新连上之后, 可能会找不到默认的路由而添加失败, 这时候你可以通过停止openvpn重连, 并手动设置好原来的默认路由再重新进行openvpn拨号.